Is this your name?
If you've ever wondered about the origins or meaning of your own name then this site is certainly for you. Type your name into the search engine and it instantly reveals a wealth of information about your name.

It proves to be quite entertaining and certainly very distracting! Here is an example:
Etymology for the name Jason Feather
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Healer
Top 5 Facts:
42% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 22.8% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are well envoweled.
- Backwards, it is Nosaj Rehtaef... nice ring to it, huh?
- In Pig Latin, it is Asonjay Eatherfay.
- In ASCII binary it is...
01001010 01100001 01110011 01101111 01101110 00100000 01000110 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010
3 Things You Didn't Know:
- Your personal power animal is the Grizzly Bear
- Your 'Numerology' number is 5. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are adventurous, mercurial, and sensual. You seek growth through adventure and different life experiences. Although you are a critical thinker, you can sometimes over-ponder an issue.
- According to the US Census Bureau°, 0.662% of US residents have the first name 'Jason' and 0.001% have the surname 'Feather'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 20 'Jason Feather's.
Name-based Search Stuff
These open in a new window...
- Find your family tree on OneGreatFamily
- Search for 'People Finder' services on Google...
- Or, do a residential phonebook search in the USA...
Select name and state, then click "Go!" to search.
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Rock on :D. Today was simply fun, hehe. Before leaving for class ...
By: crystal . on 24 Oct 2007
Rock on :D. Today was simply fun, hehe. Before leaving for class, Wan Qing and I helped Wulaoshi to set up the computer. When I got back to class, Mr Tong wasn't there and we nearly wanted to find him, but he soon came and we left for ... ->
A Rocky Valentine
By: Craig Zablo on 11 Feb 2007
SZoner, Jason Feather, found this Valentine's Day card at his local Target store. He was pretty sure that it would appeal to SZoners everywhere! I think that he's right! Thanks to Jason for sharing! - Craig. ->
Bad day for the defense
By: Admin on 28 Nov 2006
Phoenixville News, PA - Nov 20, 2006 By JASON FEATHER, Weekly Column. Well, two weeks have passed since Decision 2006, and two weeks have passed since volunteers for. 'Alexander's' bad day good for Col Hollywood Reporter, United States ... ->
A bad day for County clubs
By: Admin on 22 Nov 2006
Phoenixville News, PA - Nov 20, 2006 By JASON FEATHER, Weekly Column. Well, two weeks have passed since Decision 2006, and two weeks have passed since volunteers for. BAD DAY ALL ROUND.. Glasgow Daily Record, UK - Nov 19, ... ->
life continues to be an existential dilemma
By: Miss F on 13 Feb 2006
(and yes, life continues to be an existential dilemma, according to Jason Feather, from http://jasonfeather.blogspot.com/ ). The hair on this cat looks a bit stiff and unlovable. But if this cat were sleeping she would look like this . ... ->
Reservation Students Learn Through Environmental Science Field ... By: Gwen Foote on 18 Aug 2005 .. programs to the students and helping teachers with professional development through NASA. Display Presentation by 6th Graders of GPS Location through Triangulation at INMED Science Fair. (Joseph Rosales &. Jason Feather Earring Jr.) ->
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